For a relaxing time in the bath

The picture shows a small, blue thermometer for the baby bath.

When young parents bathe their new-born for the very first time, this is an exciting time for all involved.  Many parents worry that they will do something wrong.

Typically asked questions are: How warm should the bath water be? Should I add a bath additive to the water? As of what age can I bath my baby? How often should children be bathed?

Bathing children sounds complicated, but in fact it really isn't! There are a few simple basic rules. If you follow these, nothing can go wrong!

From what age should you wash your baby?

You want to bath your baby for the very first time. But when is your little one ready for bath time? You should wait until the umbilical cord has fallen off and the belly button is fully healed. This prevents germs from entering the wound which may lead to infection. Until that time, you should ideally gently wash your new-born with a warm cloth.

How to prepare the bath

The picture shows a toddler in the baby bath and his father washing him with a wash cloth.

The time for your baby's first bath has arrived. Rule number one: The normal bath is not suitable. Instead, use a baby bath or a bath bucket. Before starting, make sure you have everything you need so that you don't have to leave your baby unsupervised. You need one or two cloths and, ideally, a prewarmed, soft towel to dry your baby. If your infant already has hair, have a baby brush at the ready.

Check list: What do I need to bathe my baby?

  • Baby bath / bath bucket
  • 1-2 soft cloths
  • Prewarmed, soft towel
  • Possibly a baby brush

Your baby does not necessarily need a bath additive in the first few weeks. The ninth week is a guideline for when to add a care product to the water. If necessary, you can then use replenishing additives, for example a little almond oil, provided your child does not react allergically or, alternatively, a product developed specially for your baby which keeps his skin smooth and soft.

A drop of breast milk is also suitable as a natural care component thanks to its high fat content.

Your choice of product should be based on what your baby likes – try it out.

Bathing your baby – what you should bear in mind!

The room:

The room used to bathe your child should be pleasantly warm. The same goes for the bath water: A water temperature of between 36 and 37°C is ideal.

Fill up the water so that your baby's shoulders are covered. If necessary, clean your baby's bottom e.g. with a wipe before bathing to prevent germs from entering the water.


Simply choose a time when you are not in a hurry and therefore have sufficient time to dedicate to this task. This should become a wonderful ritual for you and your baby and should certainly not be stressful. Make sure your baby is in a good mood, neither is hungry or have recently drunk.

The water temperature for bathing your baby should be between 36 and 37 degrees.

Holding and washing your baby properly

Place one arm under the head and on the upper back of your child and gently grasp his shoulders with your hand. The other hand should be placed on the bottom when immersing your baby into the water. This hand should then be used for washing. Start by very gently cleansing your baby's face and neck and then work downwards.

Pay particular attention to the skin folds and difficult-to-reach body areas, e.g., behind the ears. Finally, wash your infant's nappy area.

Very important: Never let your baby out of your sight during the bathing time!

Bath time should not be longer than 5 minutes in the first few weeks as otherwise there is a risk that your child could cool down too much.

Dry your baby’s skin after bathing

A baby is wrapped in a towel.

Always dry off your freshly bathed baby thoroughly. Any moisture, for example in skin folds, can quickly cause your baby's skin to become sore.

Proceed with caution. Do not rub vigorously and, instead, pat dry carefully.

Some infants are prone to dry skin or suffer from so-called nappy rash i.e., soreness in the nappy area. In both cases, it can help to apply cream to your baby after bathing. Use e.g. Little Lino Lotion Light for the face and body and Nappy Cream for the nappy area. 

Only use care products for this which are specially designed for sensitive baby skin.

You can also take this time to give your baby a massage.This is not only good for your child but can also have a positive effect on the bond between the two of you.

How often should I bathe my baby?

How often you should bathe your baby depends on the age. You should ideally bathe an infant one to two times a week – that’s the maximum. Babies do not sweat and normally don't get dirty. Additionally their skin is very sensitive which means excessive care can be harmful for your baby.
In general: Keep an eye on your little one! If you notice that your baby is not at ease when bathing, give him a little more time and, in the interim, use a cloth to keep him clean.

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